1. What word starts with “f” and ends with “u-c-k?”
Stacey Answer: FUCK
Answer: firetruck lol
2.What is something that all men have, some men have it long and some men have it short, the pope doesn’t use it, and when a man gets married his wife gets it?
Stacey Answer: A penis
Answer: last name lmfu
3.What is your middle name?
Jane ( my moms name)
4. When is your birthday?
20 May
5. Favourite things...
Colour: Pink, Red
Food: Pasta
Season: Winter
Choclate: Lunchbar or Tempo slab... biscuit
Ice-cream: Sinful or Mcflurry or The Ice Cafes italian ice cream
I love Marcels... english toffee, sour jelly beans and jambo or jolly jammers biscuits... STACEADDICTIONS
6. Who are your closest friends?
Anwyn, Jadee, Chad, Nathan, Kyle,
7.What about your pet peeves?
Negative people, people who are late, liars, annoying people, ignorant people.
8. What type of guy are you attracted to?
He has to be older, taller, dresses well, well- spoken, and someone who has a plan.
9.Describe your ideal relationship
My ideal relationship will be where we are friends and can do fun things together but not be in each others faces 24/7, like we both have our lives and when he wants to go out with his friends he should go and i do the same, we dont have to do every single thing together, we should be able to tell each other anything ansd have respect for each other, trust and faithfulness is important and when we in a company with our friends we should be friends because i think its rude to be lovey dovey when theres people around you.
10. What things will turn you off in a guy?
If his rude and gam, disrespectful and vulgar. and over cocky like he thinks he can get any girl in the world.
11. How do you feel about seeing more than 1 guy?
I am totally against it, if im with one guy i dont flirt or look at other guys because whats the point of cheating then you might as well be single and i would never hurt someones feelings like that because dont do unto others what you wouldnt want done to you.
12.Describe your fighting style: drunken master or angry monkey?
I have BIBLE never fought a day in my life.
13.Have you ever lost anyone you loved?
No i think im very fortunate to have not lost a loved one because of death.
14.What's your definition of cheating?
my definition of cheating his obviously any sexual act with someone else, if you are flirting,texting whatever with someone and havent told them you in a relationship.
15.Name two people you can tell just about anything to?
Anny and Shay
16. What’s your favorite wild animal? Give me three reasons why?
Lion, because they are like at the top of the food chain, nobody will mess with them and they beautiful creatures.
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