When you have really good friends they not just friends they like sisters... These are my closest budettes.. and a random pics that we edited to make it awesome
Miss Boss aka Anwyn Hughes aka ANNY aka Pregnant fairy Annybear is loud and she says whatever is on her mind, she will always have your back when u need her and she will protect you till death and never let anyone speak bad about her, she might be a bit of a bitch but if you get to know her she can be very caring kind and loving. Thats what makes her awesome. and we cant wait for her little girl that is on her way and even thou she has many admirers her heart belongs to one guy.
Miss JDM aka Jadee Lee Muller J-dee we havent always been close but started getting close and people might judge her and think she a bitch but she really sweet and kind hearted, shes always der when you need to talk and because we went thru similar stuff in our life we can relate to each other, shes fun to be with and crazy at times with her madness and always inlove... lol thats what makes her awesome
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